Amy Yoes
Visual Artist / Artista Visiva

Amy Yoes works in a multi-faceted way, alternately employing painting, photography, installation, video, and sculpture. An interest in decorative language and architectural space permeates all of her work. She responds to the formal topologies of ornament and style that have reverberated through time, informing our mutually constructed visual and cultural memory.

Yoes grew up in Houston and in Chicago where she attended the School of the Art institute of Chicago. In 1998 she settled in New York City with her husband, artist Jorge Colombo. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. She recently created “Untitled (Machine),” a sculptural animated installation for Galerie Stadtpark in Krems Austria. Her video piece “Equator” was shown at the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus, Ohio, and at London’s V&A Museum. She has been the recipient of many residency awards and grants, including the Luso-American Foundation Grant, The Abbey Award in Painting at The British School at Rome, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation Award, theMacDowell Residency, New Hampshire, the Yaddo Residency, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, NYFA / New York Foundation for the Arts Award, and Krems AIR award. She is currently working on a project for Mildred’s Lane, an ongoing collaborative contemporary art site in rural Pennsylvania, run by J. Mrgan Puett and Mark Dion. She is a contributor to the “One Minute Film Festival”, organized by Jason Simon and Moyra Davey, whose ten-year compilation will be shown at MASS Moca, New Adams, Massachusetts, in 2013.

She collaborated with Mark Dion during their Fall 2013 Project Fellowship, the Above / Below Ground Project. She was in residence for the entire Fall 2013 semester at Siena Art. She attended The School of the Art institute of Chicago. 

Amy Yoes lavora in modo multiforme, utilizzando alternativamente pittura, fotografia, installazione, video e scultura. E’cresciuta a Chicago, dove ha frequentato la Scuola di Art Institute.
Nel 1998 si stabilì a New York con il marito, l'artista Jorge Colombo. Il suo lavoro è stato esposto a livello nazionale e internazionale. Recentemente ha creato "Untitled (macchina)," l'installazione-scultura animataper Galerie Stadtpark a Krems in Austria. Il suo video "Equatore" è stato mostrato al Wexner Center for the Arts di Columbus, Ohio, e al V & A di Londra Museum.
Ha ricevuto numerosi premi e borse di studio, tra cui il Luso-American Foundation Grant, Il Premio Abbazia in Pittura presso la British School at Rome, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation Award, the MacDowell Residency, New Hampshire, il Residency Yaddo, il Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, NYFA / New York, Fondazione per il Premio Arti, e Krems premio AIR.
Attualmente sta lavorando ad un progetto collaborativo d’arte contemporanea nella campagna della Pennsylvania, gestito da J. Mrgan Puett e Mark Dion.

ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND - SOPRA E SOTTO TERRA è un progetto culturale innovativo promosso dal Siena Art Institute, con la collaborazione della Fondazione Musei Senesi. Il progetto intende identificare, nutrire, attrarre e sostenere la creatività, collegando artisti di fama internazionale a giovani artisti, studenti, scuole e accademie, fino ad arrivare a tutti i cittadini.

L’evento ruota intorno a Mark Dion e Amy Yoes, due artisti americani di spicco sulla scena internazionale dell’arte contemporanea, i quali saranno ospitati dal Siena Art Institute nei mesi di ottobre e novembre 2013 per la realizzazione del progetto “SOPRA E SOTTO TERRA” .

Sart life